Pastoral Care : Spiritual and Self-Awareness

Genesis Books and Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
Copyright © D Steven Abbarow 2018
ISBN 978-967-13532-5-7
This book is a study on pastoral care and provides the context of pastoral care in Malaysia.Rev Canon Dr Steven Abbarow divides the book into three parts:
(a) Part One — Pastoral Reflections
(b) Part Two — Pastoral Care
(c) Part Three — Awareness
Part One focuses on pastoral care from the creation and fall narrative, while Parts Two and Three survey the theological meaning of Pastoral Care reflectively and contains testimonies and personal experiences to ground these reflections in the life of actual people engaging in real pastoral care tensions and challenges reflectively.Readers will learn more about pastoral care and where the source of that love is from—divine compassion from the One above. Divine compassion is not something we learn or earn but is given by grace to them (Romans 5:5) and that they are to be like the good Samaritan, loving not just their neighbours but anyone who needs their help.
About the Author
Rev Canon Dr D Steven Abbarow (B. Econs, UM; MDiv and MTh, STM; DMin, Perkins, SMU) is an Anglican Priest from the Diocese of West Malaysia since 1990. He ministered in Parish ministry until 2012 as a Parish Priest, Chairman of the Board of Tamil and Allied Work, Archdeacon, Coordinator of the Malaysian Indigenous Clinical Pastoral Education. In June 2012, he was seconded to STM as the Vice Principal, where he also lectures in Pastoral and Practical Theology. He is also the Anglican Chaplain for the Anglican community in STM. He is the team Vicar of the Parish of St Mark’s, Seremban.He is also a member of the Provincial Missions Committee (PROSEAMS) and serves on the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission for Unity Faith and Order (IASCUFO). He is married to Anne (1990), and has two children, Ruel and Naomi.
How to order
For ordering and pricing, please contact Rev Dr Canon Dr Steven Abbarow at