Centre for Christian Spirituality (CCS)


  • STM exists to provide holistic theological education to train pastors and believers to be holistic servants of God who would serve the Christian Church with humility, gentleness, stability and godly wisdom. We believe that in addition to biblical-theological studies and praxis of church ministries, the deepening of Christian spirituality to enhance spiritual growth is an integral part of a holistic theological education and ministerial formation.
  • The Centre of Christian Spirituality is to be set up for the enhancement and realization of the STM’s foundational ethos and mission.



  • To facilitate pastors and Christian leaders to experience spiritual renewal through encountering our Triune God.
  • To assist pastors and Christian leaders in deepening their learning and practice of Christian Spirituality, so as to be reshaped by the Holy Spirit, to imitate Christ, honour God, and to love themselves, their neighbours, and the created world to fulfil God’s Kingdom mandates through the Church.
  • To lay a sound biblical foundation in studying the broad spectrum of Christian Spirituality for our Christian churches to fulfil the Great Commission in our multi-religious and cultural national context.
  • To promote the practice of historical spiritual disciplines in our churches, as antidotes to our prevalent consumeristic and hedonistic culture of immediacy and narcissism.
  • To provide adequate training for mature Christians who are called to be soul friends or spiritual directors.
  • To network with local and international institutions of Christian Spirituality, researchers and practitioners for mutual collaboration and learning.


Training for Spiritual Directors