Master of Theology with a concentration in Anglicanism: A joint partnership with the Diocese of West Malaysia and Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
- Introduction
Recognising the growth of the Diocese of West Malaysia (DWM) and the urgent need for competent specialists in Anglicanism, a specialised postgraduate programme, Master of Theology (MTh) with a concentration in Anglicanism, will be jointly offered by DWM in partnership with Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM). STM’s MTh is fully accredited by the Association of Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA).
The MTh degree is an advanced postgraduate research programme specially designed to provide specialised training in effective leadership in Christian ministry, professional pastoral training, and advanced theological research and teaching. It allows the candidates to gain a deeper understanding in Anglicanism and develop greater competency and enhanced skills in research methodology. Since the MTh is a rigorous and research-oriented programme, it also serves as a good preparatory degree for PhD.
- Learning outcomes of MTh in Anglicanism Programme
The overall learning outcomes of the MTh in Anglicanism:
- Develop a clear understanding and objective analysis of the development of the Christian tradition, and how this has been received and interpreted in Anglican thought and practice through the centuries.
- Articulate clearly core Anglican doctrines and practices, including their defences and their critiques, and the particularities of how they have been received and practised in the local context across the worldwide Anglican Communion.
- Demonstrate familiarity with the diversity of the Anglican tradition both historically and globally, develop an analytical comprehension of the cultural contexts that shaped Anglicanism, and assess how this has contributed to the heritage, character, strengths, and challenges for the Anglican church in the Province/Diocese.
- Engage with the writings of several major theologians within the range of diverse Anglican traditions and critically evaluate their contribution to Anglicanism.
- Develop the ability to identify, analyse, and address the challenges facing the Anglican church in a pluralistic and increasing globalised and secular world, with a particular reference to the context of Southeast Asia and Malaysia.
- Display an understanding of Anglican spirituality and the importance of liturgy by becoming rooted and growing in a disciplined life of prayer within the Anglican tradition.
- Identify the local contexts in which theology is formed and how that context contributes to the shape of the indigenous/contextualised theology and practice in the Province/Diocese.
- Apply critical methodology to a well-defined topic in Anglican studies by carrying out independent research that culminates in a thesis fulfilling the academic requirements of the programme.
- Prepare candidates of the programme to be competent and effective teachers and researchers in Anglicanism and for further study at the doctoral level.
- MTh in Anglicanism Programme Requirements and Duration
The MTh in Anglicanism requires a total of 6 modules and a thesis. Candidates must maintain a CGPA of 3.4 (or an average B) or higher for graduation.
This programme will be initially offered in English only on a part-time basis over a period of four years.
- MTh in Anglicanism Programme Structure
Programme Requirements
All candidates are required to complete the following:
Module 1: Anglican theology and identity
This module comprises two components. The first part of the course examines theology from a historical perspective, seeking to understand how certain figures, movements, and controversies have shaped the development of Christian theology. Some consideration will be given to key Patristic theological works and to the Ecumenical Councils of the Church. Special attention will be given to how Anglicans have understood and received these doctrines and their importance in the life of the Church.
The second part of the course provides a focused examination of the Anglican Formularies with special interest in the context, content, and significance of the Thirty-Nine Articles, the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, the Ordinal, and the Homilies.
Module 2: Anglican history and tradition
Beginning with the Reformation, this course traces the origins and the development of Anglicanism. It covers significant events, figures, crises, movements, and intellectual developments from the time of the English Reformation to the present. The first part of the course will focus on the development of Anglicanism from the Early English Reformers to the Restoration, including Puritanism and Laudianism.
The second part of the course will cover the eighteenth-century evangelical revival, the Oxford Movement and Anglo-Catholicism, the nineteenth-century Broad Church, and twentieth and twenty-first century developments including the rise of Global Anglicanism and the Anglican Realignment. A selective survey of the confessional and ecclesiastical documents produced over the last five centuries by the Anglican Church will be given some attention.
Module 3: Anglican liturgy and spirituality
The major focus of this module is on the history, theology, and pastoral use of The Book of Common Prayer tradition. The first part examines the principles behind Anglican worship, development and revisions of the prayer book as well as other authorised liturgies.
The second part considers the Daily Office, sacramental theology, as well as the use of language, symbols, and space in liturgy.
This course also includes a retreat where the principles and expressions discussed in the first two parts of the course are put into practice, together with other aspects of spirituality, such as Scripture meditation and contemplative prayer.
Module 4: Contemporary issues in Anglicanism
This module explores Christian engagement with contemporary issues in the Anglican Communion and the local context including but not limited to gender, sexuality, safeguarding, law and society, ongoing currents of modernity and secularism alongside a recent revival of interest in faith and the supernatural in the West and East, challenges of an aging population in churches, and the environment. A credible, biblical, and pastoral response to some of these issues will be presented.
Module 5: Provincial and Diocesan Identity
Candidates will examine and analyse the history, growth, issues, challenges, and development of the Anglican church in the Province and also within the Diocese. Special attention will be given to the development of national and indigenous leadership, contextual theology, and the prophetic role of the church in the Diocese. Relationships with other ecumenical bodies and inter-religious groups will be given attention, given the nature of the Anglican church in South East Asia. Works of some key Anglican theologians in the region will also be examined. Other special topics related to the diocese and global Anglicanism will also be explored.
Module 6: Research Methodology
This module requires the candidates to do further research in their area of interest, explore an appropriate research methodology, and craft a well-defined research topic leading to a thesis proposal to be submitted and approved by STM
A thesis in the area of Anglicanism is required. Word count of 20,000-30,000 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography) is expected. Suitable supervisors will be appointed by STM with recommendation from the Programme Committee.
Module Requirements
Each module will include:
- 20-25 hours of lectures (online or hybrid) to be taught by qualified tutors with PhDs.
- 10-15 hours of seminars led by local tutors and presentations by the candidates.
- Reading of at least 2,000 pages is expected for each module.
- Candidates will typically submit a research paper of approximately 5,000 words for each module.
Programme Cohort
This programme will be offered on a cohort basis. We plan to offer at least 2 modules in a year, subject to the availability of suitable tutors. The first module is expected to be offered in October 2025.
All the modules are open to candidates in other graduate and postgraduate programmes (such as MDiv, MMin, MTh, DMin) wishing to take them as electives subject to the approval of the respective academic departments or institutions.
Prerequisite of Asian Theology
If a course on Asian Theology or its equivalent has not been taken in previous theological degrees, candidates in the MTh in Anglicanism programme are required to take it as an additional course offered by STM on a regular basis. This is the requirement of ATESEA.
- Admission Requirements
Applicants must hold a strong first theological degree (usually Master of Divinity or Bachelor of Divinity) or its equivalent from a recognised institution with a CGPA of 3.2 and above (or an average of B- and above based on STM’s academic standard).
Applicants where prerequisites for the MTh programme are lacking based on transcript evaluation by STM may be required to undertake additional loading in the MTh programme.
- Application Procedures
Applications for this programme will be accepted from 20th March 2025 onwards. Please click on this link for the application form:
The first module is expected to be offered in October 2025.
For all enquiries, please contact Ms Yap Hai Yen, Registrar for Postgraduate Studies, STM for further information (email:
For those under the employment of DWM, please contact Revd Dr Lim Kar Yong, Director of Diocesan Theological Education Department (email:, for further information.