Foundational Studies

Course Descriptions

BI102 Exegetical Method

The course examines the processes of exegeting and interpreting Biblical texts. An introduction to the inductive Bible study method involving the steps of observation, interpretation, application, and correlation is given. Other topics include the basic principles of biblical hermeneutics an introduction to textual criticism, historical criticism, literary criticism, form criticism, grammatical analysis, lexical analysis, biblical and theological analyses, and application to life situations. The course is examined through the writing of an exegetical paper on an OT text and another exegetical paper on an NT text.

BI151 Biblical Interpretation

The purpose of the course is to provide a method by which students can accurately interpret the Bible and correctly apply its teaching. It aims to teach students various principles of biblical interpretation that will eventually lead them to a proper understanding of these principles and to a careful application of them to personal Bible study, and to the ministry of the Word.

BM101 Bahasa Malaysia 1
BM102 Bahasa Malaysia 2

This is designed not only to bring the Bahasa Malaysia standard of all students up to the SPM level with credit but also to equip students for simple Christian ministry in BM. The first part of the course will deal with theological terms and learning about the important aspects of the Christian life like prayer, Bible study, baptism, etc. Grammar and comprehension will be emphasised according to the needs of the students. The second part of the course is more practical-orientated and includes writing simple devotions and prayers, doing a worship service, etc.

CHI101 Chinese Language 1
CHI102 Chinese Language 2

This course is offered to diploma and degree programme students. It is designed to upgrade the standard of students’ ability so that they can read and write in Chinese at the college level.

ENG101 English Language 1
ENG102 English Language 2

This course is offered to diploma and degree programme students. It is designed to upgrade the English language proficiency of students so that they can express theological ideas coherently in academic writing at the college level.

ENG111 English Grammar and Comprehension

This course is organised into language functions that are used to express theological notions. Grammatical features, sentence structures, advanced vocabulary, and value judgement gleaned from these language functions are emphasised.

ENG112 English for Theology

This course is offered to diploma and degree programme students. It is designed to be a basic English Language communication course. The objective is to teach students to read, understand, and communicate orally theological ideas and value judgements. The main emphasis is on oral skills, vocabulary, and grammatical sentence structures.

GK111 Greek 1

This course introduces the student to the elements of NT Greek grammar and vocabulary, which include an in-depth study of verbs, nouns, and other parts of speech. This course is compulsory for BD and M.Div students.

GK112 Greek 2

This course is a continuation of GK 111 and focuses on the syntax of NT Greek. Emphasis is given to the reading of selected passages from the Greek New Testament. This course is compulsory for M.Div students.

HB101 Elementary Hebrew 1
HB102 Elementary Hebrew 2

This is a study of the basic principles of grammar and syntax in biblical Hebrew using Weingreen’s a basic grammar for classical Hebrew. There will be translation and analysis of selected portions of the Hebrew Bible in the second semester. Emphasis will be placed on learning to read the Hebrew texts, especially passages in Genesis.

TAM111 Tamil 1
TAM112 Tamil 2

This course is offered to diploma and degree programme students. It is designed to upgrade the standard of students’ ability to read and write in basic Tamil language. The course will include learning the basic alphabets, expanding Tamil vocabularies, improving reading and writing skills, grammar, comprehension, and composition.

TR101 Critical Reading and Writing

This is a course designed to help new students develop good study habits and critical skills to enhance their academic studies. Topics include time management, study techniques, note-taking, essay writing, speed-reading, library usage, theological research, and proper bibliographical writing style. Graduate students may be exempted from this course.

TR102 Inductive Bible Study

Students are introduced to the skills of inductive Bible study by being taught to observe, interpret, and apply the Scriptures. This course adopts a hands-on approach to expose students to the dynamics of the study of the scriptural text.

TR103 Inter-Personal Skills

This course hopes to create an awareness of the need and importance of appropriate interpersonal communication and relational skills that will serve them in every facet of life. Students will learn through practical group work the skills to express themselves, engage in active listening and response in non-threatening ways, and evaluate their own interpersonal style in the way they interact with others.

TR111 Reading and Reasoning

The emphasis of this course is to enable students to read, comprehend, and respond effectively to various types of literary texts. They are to appreciate and critique pieces of writing, exploring issues that are raised in theological and academic texts. The end product is academic writing in a free style as appropriate to the academic discipline under study.

TR201 Thesis Methodology

This course is designed to give advanced student the knowledge of research methodologies needed in preparation for writing a thesis. Instruction will focus on the components of the thesis proposal: the statement of the problem, the hypothesis, the review of related literature, the theoretical framework, the appropriate methodology, and the justification for the study. In addition, attention will be given to the use of theological indexes and bibliographies, and writing style. At the end of the course, the student is required to present a preliminary thesis proposal for faculty approval.

TR301 Thesis 1
TR302 Thesis 2

A student who is writing a thesis will be facilitated in his/her task by a supervisor with the aim of completing a thesis in his/her final year. The student is required to meet regularly with his/her supervisor to discuss the progress of his/her thesis. The student is also required to attend and present a report of his/her thesis progress at the Thesis Seminars.