Theology & Ethics

Course Descriptions

TH151 Christian Theology 1

This is a survey course covering the foundation doctrines of the Christian faith: Doctrine of God and Christology. By the end of the course, students should be able to think theologically, comprehend the implications of theology for Christian living, minister in the body of Christ, and address contemporary issues.

TH152 Christian Theology 2

This is survey course covering the foundation doctrines of the Christian faith: Pneumatology and Anthropology; and Eschatology and Ecclesiology. By the end of the course, students should be able to think theologically, to comprehend the implications of theology for Christian living, for ministry in the body of Christ, and for addressing contemporary issues.

TH103 Intro to Theology & the Doctrine of God

A study of prolegomena, the nature, method, sources, and task of theology; its relation to other theological disciplines; the doctrine of Scripture; the person of God including his trinitarian mode of existence and attributes; the works of God including the decrees, creation, providence, and miracles.

TH104 Christology & Soteriology

A study of the person and work of God the Son, with emphasis on the crucial aspects of this doctrine and its relationship to the contemporary. Topics include: the two natures, the two states, the names and offices of Christ; the covenant of grace; the nature and extent of the atonement; the objective and subjective aspects of the atonement.

TH105 Pneumatology and Anthropology

A study of the creation of humanity, the human being as imago Dei, the true order of humanity as male and female, the immaterial aspects of humanity, the fall of humanity, and original and personal sin; the doctrine of salvation and sanctification; the person and work of the Holy Spirit with special emphasis on contemporary spiritual movements; the relation of the Holy Spirit to the Church and the world; the nature and purpose of spiritual gifts; the indwelling, baptism, and fullness of the Holy Spirit.

TH106 Ecclesiology & Eschatology

A study of the church including its biblical and historical expressions; the body of Christ and the local church; the sacraments and other means of grace; its gifts and ministries. A study of the last things including the different schools of thought, major themes and problems, the future of human beings (individual eschatology), and the final consummation (general eschatology). The relationship of the kingdom of God and the church and the last things will also be considered.

TH301 Doing Theology in Asia

This is a survey of contemporary Christian theological thinking in Asia. It provides a critical understanding of Asian theological writings and theologians within their own contexts and helps identify their theological agendas. It leads ultimately to the question of theological methodology, with specific reference to Asia and Malaysia in particular. The course will suggest guidelines and methodologies for constructing an Asian Christian theology seeking to be faithful to the Word of God and taking Asian contexts seriously.

TH401 Introduction to Christian Ethics

This course will deal with the overall question of “How do we make ethical decisions?” It will begin with a moral philosophical approach, analysing the various approaches adopted by different people in making ethical decisions. It will cover issues like conscience, natural law, the authority of the church, and the Bible. Ethical approaches in other religions will also be given attention. This will be followed by an introduction to biblical ethics, and how a Christian ethics based on God’s revelation can be developed. Some important issues in biblical ethics like the structure and nature of Old Testament ethics, key issues in Jesus and Paul’s ethical teaching, and motivation in Christian ethics will be examined.

TH402 Issues in Contemporary Ethics

This course will examine specific ethical issues confronting the Christian in daily life and seek to provide a Christian response to each of them. It seeks to see how we may apply biblical principles to present-day issues, especially those not dealt with in the Bible. The focus will be on contemporary issues in the Malaysian context. This will include sexual ethics like marriage, divorce and remarriage, homosexuality, the single life, technology and pregnancy enhancement; medical ethics like abortion, genetic engineering, euthanasia; social ethics in relation to business, politics, corruption, and the environment.

TH501 Contemporary Theology

This course is designed to offer students the opportunity to explore major figures such as Adolf von Harnack, Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann, Emil Brunner, Paul Tillich, Karl Rahner, Jurgen Moltmann, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Hans Kung, John Macquarrie et. al., and themes of modern and contemporary Christian theology, focusing mainly on the twentieth century.

TH601 Readings in Chinese Theology

This is a guided study course that enables students to focus on the issues and debates in the Chinese churches and to become acquainted with writings by T.C. Chao, Wang Ming-tao, Wu Lei-ch’uan, Wu Yao-tsung, Watchman Nee et al. Students are expected to critically discuss the book: Lam Wing-Hung, Chinese Theology in Reconstruction (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1983).

TH602 Readings in Indian Theology

This is a guided study course that enables students to focus on the issues and debates in the Indian churches and to become acquainted with writings by V. Chakkarai, Raimundo Panikkar, M.M Thomas et al. Students are expected to discuss critically discuss the book: Robin S.H. Boyd, Introduction to Indian Christian Theology (2nd edition; Madras: CLS, 1974).

TH701 Introduction to Philosophy

This course will introduce and cover the basic areas of philosophy. What is philosophy and the philosophical task? The basic areas to be covered are: Understanding Human Nature – freedom and determinism; Metaphysics – the nature of reality; Epistemology – the nature of knowledge and how we come to knowledge; Ethics – the ethical theories of right and wrong; Social Philosophy – the legitimacy of government, the nature of justice, freedom, and responsibility. The course will be geared towards relevance and application from a Christian perspective.

TH702 Philosophy of Religion

This course will introduce the main issues related to a philosophical approach to religious beliefs. These will cover the topics on faith and rationality, arguments and grounds for and against belief in God’s existence, the coherence of the nature of God, the nature and evidential value of religious experience, the nature of miracles, and the religious response to the problem of evil. The course will also look at these issues from the perspectives of Asian religious traditions and beliefs.

TH801 Basic Christian Doctrines 1
TH802 Basic Christian Doctrines 2

This course is offered to Diploma students only. It serves to guide the study through the new editions of An Introduction to Christian Faith (Oxford: Lynx, 1992) and Bruce Milne’s Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (Leicester: IVP, 1982). The aim of the course is to introduce students to understand the meaning and relevance of the major doctrines of Christianity in a multicultural world. The course will also help students become familiar with sources, documents, and major works of Christian doctrines in order to perceive and make connections between doctrine and life.