STM Day of Prayer & Fasting

STM Community came together to fast and pray on 25 March 2021. Nearly 120 attendees consisting of students, faculty and staff gathered via ZOOM to pray for the STM Community, churches in Malaysia as well as churches on a global scale.
The Acting Principal, Rev Dr Joseph Komar preached on the theme “Being Rooted in Turbulent Times” referring to Mark 4:35-41. We were encouraged to learn that it is important to know who our God is. He is a God of rest, and we can look to our God when we face the storms of life, certainly we need to allow God to intervene according to His time, space and ways.
We partook the bread and wine together in remembrance of Jesus’s sacrificial love for us before we ended the day of fasting and prayer at 3.15pm.
代院长Joseph Komar牧师(博士)分享主题信息”扎根于动荡时代中”。主题信息经文取自于马可福音4:35-41。我们学习到“认识我们的上帝是谁”的重要性。祂是安息的神,当我们在生命中遇到风暴时,我们可以仰望祂,但我们必须允许上帝按照祂的时间、空间及方式来介入。