Using Search Results and the Catalogue Detail Record

Unless the Library does not have any materials that match your search terms (VLib will let you know if this is the case), your search should produce a hits list screen.

  • Scroll down the hits until you come to a specific title you want to look at in detail. There may be several pages of hits; click on Results page# at the top of the list to navigate to the next or previous page.
  • Click on the title to access the Catalogue Detail screen and view the full item record.

The Catalogue Detail screen will enable you… 

a) To find out more information about the item
  • The author(s) or editor(s) of the item
  • Publishing and edition details of the item
  • Whether the item is part of a series
  • Main subjects that the item covers
  • Table of contents (for selected items only)
  • Summary (for selected items only)
  • Preview link, where available (for selected items only)
  • Other relevant information
Note: For periodicals (serials), the catalogue detail screen will list the Library’s holdings (issues) of the periodical title you have selected to view.
Full call number
  • Collection details (i.e. prefix): Chinese books (C), Reference (R), Archives (ARC), etc.
  • Additional item information: volume number, copy number, edition year, etc.
  • Location (Stacks, Archives, Audiovisual Room, Library Office, CTEE, etc.)
  • Available: item is in the Library and can be borrowed
  • On Loan: item has been borrowed out by another user; due date details and option to reserve the item given (see below on how to reserve an item)
  • Uncirc/Ref: for reference in the Library only; cannot be borrowed
  • On Display: item is currently on display at the Newly Catalogued Items section
  • In Process: item is still in the process of being catalogued
  • Out of Circ: item has been stored in the Stacks
  • Withdrawn: item has been withdrawn from the Library
  • Missing/Lost: item cannot be located in the Library, or lost by a patron
  • To Be Bound: item is being sent for repair
  • On Pickup Shelf: item has been reserved and is ready for pick-up at the Circulation Desk 
b) To reserve an item checked out on loan
If the status of an item is “On Loan” an option is given to reserve the item. This option is for registered users only.
  • Click on the Reserve? link under the Status column
  • The “Reserve title” logon screen will appear
  • Key in your MemberID; i.e. your NRIC or passport number (without dashes)
  • Key in your Password, if you have one. If you have not created a password for yourself, leave the box empty.
  • Press the Enter key or click on the Reserve button to complete the reservation
  • A system message confirming your reservation should appear
  • You can check whether the item you reserved is ready for collection by viewing “My Loans”.
  • If you provided your active email address upon registration, you should also receive an autogenerated pick-up notice from VLib when the item is ready for collection.

Note: Autogenerated email notices are an extra service provided by the VLib system. Users are solely responsible for checking their loan activities; the Library is not liable for non-delivery or non-receipt of autogenerated notices. 

c) To look for similar items in the Library
Clicking on the Call No, Author, Subject or Series links in the catalogue detail record gives a related search to titles that contain the same Call No, Author, Subject or Series as the selected title.