Library Rules and Regulations (English)

In this section:

1.     Circulation 

2.     General Library Use  

3.     Other Theological Libraries 

4.     Online Resources 

5.     Disciplinary Action 



1.1 Loans

(a) Loan limits 

The number of items a patron may borrow is determined by their respective loan categories. Those requiring additional borrowing facilities must consult the Librarian. 

Full-time students 

10 items

Final year full-time thesis-writing students

15 items

Part-time/TEE/Postgraduate students

4 or 8 items

(library membership required)

Full-time Faculty

20 items

Adjunct Faculty

8 items


8 items

External borrowers

4 or 8 items

(library membership required)

(b) In order to borrow items, patrons must present their STM card (or ID/MyKad, where applicable), which functions as a borrower card. Patrons may not use another patron’s card to borrow books.

(c) No item should be removed from the Library until it is properly issued and checked out. A penalty of RM50.00 will be imposed on offenders. 

(d) All items on loan are the sole responsibility of the borrower, who will be held accountable for any penalty, fines or replacement if items are overdue, defaced, damaged or lost, either personally or by a third party, while on loan to him/her.


1.2 Loan Policy

(a) Regular loans 

Open shelf books

2 weeks (1 month for Faculty and

Part-time postgraduate students)

Audiovisual resources (non-reference)

2 weeks

(b) Short-term loans 

Red-Spot/Reserve books

1 night (due by 11am the next working day)

Note: Red-Spot books (or Reserve books) are course textbooks located at the Reserve Book Section (RBS). Any number of Red-Spot books may be used within the RBS in the Library, but must be checked out at the Circulation Desk if they are to be used for more than 4 hours. Only ONE Red-Spot book may be checked out from the RBS at a time, whether for use in the General Reading Area or taken out of the Library.

(c) Non-circulatory items 

The following items are not for loan and can only be viewed/used in the Library. They may not be removed from the Library or specified designated area.

Reference books and theses

General Reading Area

Clippings and articles

General Reading Area. Return to original location in the Periodicals Room after use.


General Reading Area. Return to original location in the Periodicals Room or display shelf after use.

Archival materials

Archives Room only

Audio-visual resources

Audio-visual resources marked as Reference may only be used in the Audio Visual Room. (Please refer to the Library staff).

Items in process or closed stacks

Please refer to the Library staff. Priority will be given to processing items required by Faculty, postgraduate students, and students writing theses.

Newly catalogued items on display

Display area only. May not be borrowed until after the one-week display period is over. The appropriate loan periods shall apply.

(d) Long vacation

     Loan privileges during the long vacations (mid-year and year-end) are as follows.

Full-time students within Malaysia

4 items

Outside Malaysia

No loans

1.3 Returning Items on Loan

(a) This is the sole responsibility of the borrower. Members are discouraged from returning items through regular post (see 1.1(d)).

(b) All items must be returned or renewed by the due date, failing which a fine will be levied.

Short-term loans

RM1.00 per item per hour

Regular loans

RM1.00 per item per working day

(c) Items should be returned directly to the Circulation Desk for proper discharging, and should not be left unattended at the Desk. The item remains the responsibility of the borrower until it is discharged. 

(d) Autogenerated loans due and overdue email notices are an extra non-obligatory service provided by the online Library Management System. Users are solely responsible for checking their own loan activities. The Library is not liable for non-delivery or non-receipt of autogenerated notices.

1.4 Renewing Loans

(a) Loans may be renewed up to a maximum of two times, provided no other patron has requested or reserved the item. The item must be returned before or on the due date after the second renewal and cannot be renewed a third time. However, the item may be borrowed again if no other patron has requested or reserved the item.

(b) Items should be renewed either on or before the due date. A fine will be levied for items renewed after the due date.

(c) Loan renewal is self-service and may be transacted online. The patron's ID/MyKad number and password (if any) will be required. However, overdue loans can only be renewed by the Library staff.

(d) Loan renewals will automatically be blocked if the item has been reserved, or if the patron’s accumulative fines have reached/exceeded RM10.00.

1.5 Reserving Items on Loan

(a) If a required item is out on loan, patrons may reserve the item online. The patron's ID/MyKad number and password (if any) will be required. An automated notice will be issued by the Library system when the item becomes available.

(b) Only items out on loan can be reserved. Reservation of available items is not allowed.

(c) Patrons are allowed to reserve a total of two items. Please see the Library staff for cancellation of reservations.

(d) Reserved items that become available must be collected within the stipulated time period, failing which the item will be re-shelved.

Short-term loans

Same day

Regular loans

Within two working days

1.6 Recalling Items

(a) The Library reserves the right to recall items as and when it becomes necessary, especially when the item is required to be placed on Red-Spot.

(b) A renewed item may be recalled at any time if another patron requests for it.

(c) An item must be returned within two days of being recalled, failing which it will be considered overdue and the appropriate fine levied.



2.1 Personal Conduct

(a) Patrons should maintain proper standards of behaviour while in the Library, out of respect for the staff and other patrons. 

(b) Silence should be observed at all times for the sake of those who are studying or conducting research.

(c) Devices with audio (e.g. mobile phones, laptops) must be kept on silent mode while in the Library. Patrons are not allowed to use these devices in the Library for audible conversations and/or playback.

(d) Patrons are required to observe STM dress code when using the Library during Library Office Hours (8:30am–5:30pm).

(e) Patrons who create a disturbance will be given a verbal warning and may be asked to leave the Library if they persist.


2.2 Maintenance of Facilities and Collections

(a) Patrons are required to leave their footwear outside when entering the library. This is to reduce humidity and dust levels in the library, as well as wear and tear to the carpet and parquet flooring.

(b) No food or drink (including water containers) is allowed in the General Reading Area and collection rooms as these may cause accidental damage to the collections, carpet or parquet flooring.

(c) For security purposes, no bags are permitted in the main Library area. Bags are to be left (minus valuables) on the rack just within the Library entrance. The Library staff will not be responsible for the care or loss of patrons’ property. 

(d) To assist Library staff and other patrons in locating items easily:

i.    Books are to be returned to their correct places on shelf after browsing/use. The library staff reserve the right to clear any books that are left unattended at a table or carrel.

ii.   Periodicals are to be returned to their original location after browsing/use.

iii.  Clippings and articles are to be returned to their correct places in their respective files, boxes and shelves after use. 

(e) Library items are not to be damaged in any way. Books and periodicals are not to be marked, even in pencil. Pages should not be folded as place markers; use your own bookmark.

(f)  Facilities provided by the Library include:

i.    Comb-binder: Self-service. Spines and covers may be purchased from the Library staff. 

ii.   Laminator: Self-service. Laminating film/plastic may be purchased from the Library staff.

iii   WiFi access: refer to the IT Officer for login details.

iv.   Photocopier/Printer: Self-service. 10 sen charged per copy/print. Disposable stored value cards may be purchased from the Library staff at RM20, RM30 or RM50. 

(g) Photocopying reduces the lifespan of a book or periodical. Hence, photocopying is discouraged, unless very necessary. In such cases, patrons must not press down too hard on the spine of the book while photocopying as this damages the book. Patrons are required to observe strictly the Copyright Act 1987. Only a maximum of 10% or a chapter/article of a book/journal may be photocopied. Any photocopying beyond this constitutes a breach of the Copyright Act 1987. 

(h) Permission must be obtained from the Library staff to photocopy archival materials.

(i)  Patrons are to treat all equipment, facilities and collections with care. Patrons shall be required to make restitution for any loss or damage caused to Library property. 

(j)  Penalties for lost, defaced or irreparably damaged items are calculated according to the cost of replacing the item, inclusive of postage and handling, plus 20% of the total amount as an administrative fee. Where the total (including administrative fee) amounts to less than RM10.00, a minimum penalty of RM10.00 will be charged. 

(k) If a lost item is no longer available, a penalty will be charged based on the value of the item (minimum RM50.00). 

(l)  If a damaged item can be repaired, the patron must bear the cost of repair plus 20% of the total amount, or pay a fine of RM10.00, whichever is higher. 

(m) Where a defaced/irreparable item cannot be replaced, a penalty will be charged based on whether the item can remain in circulation. If the item is still useable, a penalty of RM20.00 will be levied. If the item has to be discarded, charges for irreplaceable lost items apply. 

2.3 Payment

(a) Any payment or penalty owed to the Library should be paid on the spot. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of borrowing privileges and/or restricted use of library facilities.

(b) Full-time students are required to return all library items on loan and settle any outstanding payments before the end of each semester. A clearance form must be submitted to the Library staff for verification that all loans and debts have been cleared.

(c) Graduating students who fail to clear their loans and debts before Graduation Day will have their certificates withheld until they do so. 



3.1 Reciprocal Relationship

      Where applicable, STM Library has a reciprocal relationship with libraries of the Malaysian Association of Theological Schools (MATS) member institutions, namely: 

(a)  AGST Alliance

(b)  Alpha Omega International College, Petaling Jaya

(c)  Bible College of Malaysia, Petaling Jaya

(d)  Borneo Theological Seminary, Namaus

(e)  Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary, Penang

(f)  Malaysia Bible Seminary, Kuang

(g)  Malaysia Evangelical Theological Seminary, Lawas

(h)  Malaysia Evangelical Theological Seminary, Miri

(i)  Malaysia Tamil Bible College, Nilai

(j)  Methodist Theological School, Sibu

(k)  Sabah Theological Seminary, Kota Kinabalu

(l)  St Paul's Theological College Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

(m) Tung Ling Bible Seminary, Subang Jaya


3.2 Use of Facilities

     STM faculty and students may use the libraries of the abovementioned institutions, subject to the following terms and conditions:

(a) The STM Library must notify the librarian of the other institution, and provide a letter of introduction.

(b) Use of facilities is subject to the local policies of the library visited, and excludes borrowing and internet use. 

(c) Borrowing, if permitted, is also subject to the local policies of the library visited. 

3.3 Document Delivery

     STM faculty and students may request delivery of documents from libraries of the above mentioned institutions, subject to the following terms and conditions:

(a) Requests are limited to students writing theses, and faculty members preparing courses and/or theses.

(b) Electronic document delivery is preferred to hard copies. 

(c) Cost of printing, postage and handling of hard copies to be borne by the person requesting the document (monies to be collected by STM Library and paid to the sending library. 

3.4 Interlibrary Loans

     There is currently no inter-library loans agreement among theological libraries in Malaysia and Singapore.



     The STM faculty, staff, students and alumni of STM may access various subscription online resources, subject to terms and conditions. Access is strictly for personal use only. Please contact STM Library to register. 



5.1 Failure to comply with the rules and regulations of the Library may result in some form of disciplinary action being taken against the patron. This includes, and is not limited to, verbal warnings, restitution, suspension of privileges and termination of membership.

5.2 Appeals against disciplinary action should be brought to the Librarian, who shall consult the Dean of Students or Principal if necessary.


[Revised Oct 2023]


Note: Should there be any conflict or discrepancy in meaning between the English and Chinese/BM versions, the English version shall prevail.